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Order As I Remember, Volumes I and II here!
Both volumes of As I
Remember are now available online! Click on the "ADD TO CART" buttons below to purchase your copies now using
your credit card OR PayPal account!
Autographed copies of these compelling stories are available for:
$15 + $3 shipping.
Purchase two or more books for just $15 each and pay only $2 shipping for any U.S.
Click here if you prefer to order by mail 
Volume I | Volume II |

- Order your books by mail -
- Buy one book for $15 plus $2 shipping and handling -
- Buy two or more books and pay just $15 each - We'll pay the postage! -
Send order and payment to:
As I Remember
311 S. Grand
Bozeman, MT 59715
Don't forget to include your mailing address!
Don't forget to specify exactly which Volumes you want!
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The has been updated
to show all of the stories - including page numbers - that are included in both Volumes.
Volume I was released mid-June and we have had an outstanding response to the book! Volume II was released in
October and a second printing of Volume I arrived soon after. Orders have come in from all
over the country and orders have been followed up by rave reviews. It has been exciting to see the enthusiasm the
book in generating!
Here on the website we have three pages of excerpts of some of the stories. The first paragraph appears on the
stories page and you can click on it to see the full excerpt. Also note the List of Interviews page which shows
all the names of the pioneers interviewed, in alphabetical order. We also welcome comments on our guestbook page!
Watch this page for our progress!